You can secure row and column definitions in reports. 您可以保护报表中的行和列定义。
You can select the row, column and page dimensions, and set the order of their relative importance. 您可以选择行、列和页面维度,并设置它们的相对重要性顺序。
The terms row and column here are literally taken and have no connection with the row and column conception used in databases. 这里的术语行和列只具有字面意义,与数据库中使用的行和列的概念没有关联。
This method returns a nested array of cell data, with each cell indexed by its row and column coordinates. 该方法将返回嵌套的单元格数据数组,其中每个单元格使用它的行坐标和列坐标进行索引。
Each row or column can be assigned a security label that stores information about the classification, or sensitivity, of the data. 每一行或列都可以贴上一个安全标签,标签中存储着关于数据的类别或敏感性的信息。
Add two parameters of type int to the operation, and name them row and column. 向操作添加两个int类型的参数,并将其命名为row和column。
A bite string larger that this will be truncated when stored in the appropriate row and column. 比这稍大一点的字符串存储到适当的行和列时会被截断。
Each cell in the grid is identified by the row and column associated with it. 网格中的每个空格都由它所在的行和列标识。
Requires row and column number arguments. 需要行和列编号参数。
For this report run only nulls are being suppressed on both the row and column edge of the crosstab. 对于该报表运行,仅在交叉表的行和列边缘上抑制了nulls。
Given the row and column number, you can figure out everything you need to know. 指定行号和列号后,您可以计算出所有需要了解的内容。
TinyXML can tracks the row and column origin of all nodes and attributes in a text file. TinyXML能够追踪所有结点和属性在文本文件中的行列原始位置。
Specifies the behavior when double clicking the grid row/ column intersection box or the area between column headers. 指定在双击网格行/列交叉框或列标头之间的区域时的行为。
Change tracking records changes you make to cell contents, including moves and copies, and also row and column insertions and deletions. 修订跟踪记录您对单元格内容所做的更改,包括移动和复制以及行和列的插入和删除等。
The following code example demonstrates how to disable visual styles for the row and column headers in an application that has visual styles enabled. 下面的代码示例演示如何在启用了可视样式的应用程序中,对行标题和列标题禁用可视样式。
Cannot resize a list with a boundary adjacent to a hidden row or column. 如果列表与隐藏的行或列边界相邻,则无法重新调整其大小。
Every pixel in a CID array can be individually addressed via electrical indexing of row and column electrodes. CID阵列上的每个像素可以单独通过行列电极的电子标定指数来寻址。
A Row Column Partnership and Recurrence Displacement Scrambling Method for Digital Image 一种行列配对及循环移位的图像置乱方案
Inserts an expression field that automatically sums a table row or column 插入对表格的行或列自动求和的表达式域
The row or column value is too large or small for this sheet of labels. 此标签行或栏的尺寸过大或过小。
The backup includes: tables not specified as articles for the publication and all data, even if row or column filters are specified on a table. 备份包括:未指定为发布项目的表和所有数据,即使已经对某个表指定了行筛选器或列筛选器。
Bigtable provides the ability to store multiple values in the same row/ column pair with different timestamps. Bigtable可以在相同的行/列对中存储多个值,只不过时间戳不同。
That is not in the same row, column and diagonal. 即都不在相同的行,列和对角线。
Row or column specified is outside the range of the specified query result set. 指定的行或列超出指定查询结果集的范围。
Determines the starting or ending row or column for a range of cells. Not available at design time. 确定单元格区域的起始或结束的行或列。设计时不可用。
Click the insert button to add a row or column before the currently selected item in the list. 单击“插入”按钮可将一行或一列添加到列表中当前选定项之前。
The List Source must be a delimited list, or a reference to single row or column. 列表源必须是划定分界后的数据清单,或是对单一行或列的引用。
Generic grid for use with row and column header shapes. 用于行标题形状和列标题形状的普通网格。
Occurs when a user moves to another row or column, after the new cell gets the focus. 当用户移到另一行或另一列,且新单元格获得焦点时发生。
Limit theorems for arrays of row column exchangeable random variables 行-列可交换随机变量组列的极限定理